Christmas 2011. Personal.

December 31, 2011

One of my 2012 goals is to post more personal photos and stories on this blog so I figure, why not start now? Here is a little taste of our Christmas. . .  I’m looking forward to sharing more of our life with you all!

First, our Christmas tree. Isn’t it lovely? I can hardly take credit… Jonathan is in charge of Christmas trees around here!

Jonathan’s family came to visit the few days before Christmas. . .

We gave his mom a small album of their 25th anniversary photos as a gift. I think they like it ;)

We spend Christmas eve with my side of the family and wake up to this . . . Christmas morning is my favorite!

The adults get to sit out in the living room drinking coffee until we see these little fingers sticking out from under the door. . .

Our holiday breakfast tradition. . . Are your mouths watering like mine?

I am convinced that I have the cutest husband in the world. . . .

. . .  and the prettiest sisters . . .

My favorite photo from this Christmas. The first thing she did after opening this gift was to run show dad. . .

When the last present is opened we start a war with the silly string we all get in our stockings. (Yes, I still get a stocking!)

Not even the cameraman is spared!

Our dog, Luke, didn’t like the silly string as much as everyone else . . .

And finally, our family photo from this year! Have a happy New Year, everyone!


This was so much fun to look at! :)

Your family is oh so cute, Alexa!! :) We still do stockings too- and we (Mere, Ashelyn, & I) decided to start making them for our parents a few years ago; it’s easily my favorite new tradition! Also, LOVE that picture of your dog hiding under the tree… cracked me up! Love these personal posts. Keep ’em coming!

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